Winter - spring 2001...
IDEAL DE L'ITON defeats Hibiscus
du Rib and Jardy (hidden) in the classic Prix des Centaures (Gr.1).
Picture APRH
17/6/01 - Paris-Vincennes : four graded I races, today : Prix du Président de la République, Prix René Ballière, Prix d'Essai, Prix Capucine.
Prix Capucine - The consecration for EXTREME DREAM who sees his gorgeous filly Kiss Melody, dancing in front of his brother Kaisy Dream.
One year after IDEAL DE L'ITON, JARDY offers to CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE a second consecutive win in Prix du Président de la République.Sales - On june 21, 13 horses will be featured at the Trotting - Promotion Sales at Paris-Vincennes. Jasmino Wood, own brother to Gobernador, and Kilimandjaro could shine under the sunlights. To name only two of them.
19/5/01 - Kim Dream (EXTREME DREAM) defeats Kart de Baudrairie at Enghien in Prix de Sare (1' 16" 2 - 2 150 m - autostart).
16/5/01 - Ivory Pearl (COKTAIL JET) is brilliantly second to Giesolo de Lou in Prix des Ducs de Normandie (Gr.2). In the same event, GOETMALS WOOD nicely comes back after nine months without racing.
12/5/01 - EXTREME DREAM "fait son festival" in the two semi-classics of the day. She is back! Quiet and gorgeous, the beautiful chestnut filly Kiss Melody triumphs in the Prix Ozo (Sc.), while Kaisy Dream adds Prix Kalmia (Sca.) on his own victories' list.
Katiche Wood (COKTAIL JET) takes the second place of the fillies' race.
APRH pictures.
5/5/01 - Critérium des 4 Ans (Gr.1) : COKTAIL JET sees Jain de Béval and Jam Pridem, second and third to Jasmin de Flore. Jolie Fortuna (AND ARIFANT) comes off, taking the fifth place, the best performance of her young career.
29/4/01 - A fructuous week end for COKTAIL JET! Ivory Pearl triumphs in the Critérium de Vitesse de Basse-Normandie (Gr.3 - Argentan) and so answers to Jam Pridem, promising winner of the Prix Josephina, friday night at Vincennes.
21/4/01 - GOBERNADOR (BUVETIER D'AUNOU) powerfully wins Prix de l'Atlantique (Gr.1), defeating Fan Idole, Giant Cat and Grassano.
20/4/01 - This evening, it was time for two chesnut fillies to show off! Jessamina (COKTAIL JET) is second Prix Gaston de Wazières (Sc.). Later, Kangone (DEFI D'AUNOU - Rangone) has been very attractive, easily capturing Prix Hevelius.
14/4/01 - Unexpected! Ipson de Mormal is disqualified at the end of a course, he seemed to dominate. Ivory Pearl (COKTAIL JET) is second to Insert Gédé in Prix Henri Levesque (Sca. - 2 175 m).
Jolie Fortuna (AND ARIFANT) frankly devours Prix d'Auxerre (2 100 m autostart - 1' 14" 5).
7/4/01 - Back on the track! JENKO, very fast in the last meters, is third in Prix Phaéton (Sca.).
Second to the powerful Késaco Phédo, Kaisy Dream (EXTREME DREAM) completes the Mister Wildenstein' s double in Prix Paul Karle (Sca.).
Prix Paul Leguerney (Sca.) : Jeanne's Fella (COKTAIL JET) returns home with a third place to Justine des Prés.
6/4/01 - Jasmino Wood (BUVETIER D'AUNOU), own brother to GOBERNADOR, brilliantly wins on the small track, imitated later by Koenigs (DEFI D'AUNOU). These two excellent colts are trained by Jean-Pierre Dubois.
11/3/01 - Why did he miss the start in the last Prix d'Amérique!
Gobernador (BUVETIER D'AUNOU) has again been astonishing in the Critérium de Vitesse de la Côte d'Azur (Gr.1), frankly defeating (1' 11) an impressive Gébrazac.
7/3/2001 - In Foot (COKTAIL JET) wins the first trial of the Grand National du Trot (Gr.3) at Amiens. Picture APRH.
3/3/2001 - Je Rêve de Toi (COKTAIL JET) and Jean-Etienne Dubois win the last race of the winter meeting of Paris-Vincennes. The leader of the french young horses was once again answering to BUVETIER D'AUNOU, winner, thursday, with Jessie Jet , a Queen L styled ballerina.
Ivory Pearl (COKTAIL JET) is third in the last international race, Prix du Bois de Vincennes (Gr.2).
25/2/2001 - Critérium des Jeunes (Gr.1). Kinder Jet (Full Account) and Jean-Etienne Dubois beat at the end Kaisy Dream (EXTREME DREAM) and Jean-Pierre Dubois.
23/2/2001 - Idéal de l'Iton (CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE), placed 3rd to Inopaline in Prix Paul Bastard (Scm.).
19/2/2001 - In Foot (COKTAIL JET) placed fourth to Ispalion Jarzéen in Prix Ovide Moulinet (Sc.).
18/2/2001 - Gobernador (BUVETIER D'AUNOU) proudly confirms in the classic Prix de Paris (Gr.1), that he must be considered as the new leading french horse. This afternoon, he defeated Fiesta d'Anjou and Giant Cat.
11/2/2001 - Just a perfect classic day!
Gobernador (BUVETIER D'AUNOU), superb winner of the classic Prix de France (Gr.1), henceworth leads the french horses. Finishing brilliantly, Ivory Pearl (COKTAIL JET) is fourth.
One hour before, Idéal de l'Iton (CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE) succesfully battled against Hibiscus du Rib and Jardy (CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE) and won a second classic race, Prix des Centaures (Gr.1).
GOBERNADOR, his win in the
Prix de France is a masterpiece.
Picture APRH
28/1/2001 - Prix d'Amérique (Gr.1) : Varenne, superstar!
The results of the Prix d'Amérique Sales are online.
21/1/2001 - First jewel (monté) of BUVETIER D'AUNOU, Gobernador is second to First de Retz in Prix de Cornulier (Gr.1). His sister Ingala will be featured for sale, next friday, at the Prix d'Amérique Sales.
Both by CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE, Idéal de l'Iton and Jardy were at a disadvantage of twenty five meters, respectively in Prix Camille Blaisot (Scm.) and in Prix Charles Tiercelin (Sca.), this afternoon. Idéal de l'Iton has won another success against Inopaline and Jardy has impressed, 4th.
20/1/2001 - As a perfect winter mare, Ivilla Blue (BUVETIER D'AUNOU) realizes a beautiful come back since december. Second to Isério (Prix de Picardie) then 3rd Prix de Croix (Sc.), she is, today, second in Prix Jean Le Gonidec (Sc.), pushing the champion Ipson de Mormal to fight till the pole.
13/1/2001 - Kaisy Dream offers to his Sire EXTREME DREAM, his second semi-classic success (after Kiss Melody) in Prix Maurice de Gheest (Sca. - 2 175 m). Grand Farceur wins again (Prix du Forez - 2 850 m), against an opposition getting each time tougher.
7/1/2001 - Prix d'Amérique Sales are scheduled, at the Vincennes racetrack, the 26th of january, two days before the Big Race. The horses featured by Haras Dubois at those sales are on line.
The Sires' statistics for 2000, also.
Jardy (CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE) placed second to Jairo des Veys in Prix de Pardieu (Scm. - 2 175 m).
31/12/2000 - BUVETIER D'AUNOU is the new King of the French Sires with 22 055 270 FF in front of Viking's Way 17 477 485 FF and Jet du Vivier. COKTAIL JET gets closer : he is 8th right behind AND ARIFANT.
CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE devours the end of the century with Jardy and Idéal de l'Iton, perfect winner, today, of Prix Emile Riotteau (Scm.). A day before being 3, the 2-y-o's Kaisy Dream (EXTREME DREAM), Katiche Wood (COKTAIL JET) and Kasting du Bourg (by Esotico Star, recently sold, Sire at Haras des Cruchettes) take the three first places of a good race, Prix de Deauville, at Vincennes.
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