All 2016
DUBOIS SIRES Main performances |
Prix de Sélection (Gr.1) - march 5, 2016
BOLERO LOVE (Love You) beats Amiral
Sacha (Ganymède), on the inside.
25/12 Vincennes - In the Prix Ténor de Baune (Gr.2), Belina Josselyn (LOVE YOU) gains her pass for the Prix Amérique, shortly against Bird Parker and her half-brother Boléro Love. Picture.
23/12 Vincennes - One week after Royal Dream, it was time for TEXAS CHARM to know the name of his first group winner : Equinoxe, brilliant in the Prix Emmanuel Margouty (Gr.2). Picture.
18/12 Vincennes - Brilliant laureat of the Prix Albert Rayon (Gr.3), Dream Life will remain as the first group winner for ROYAL DREAM, as a Sire. Picture.
17/12 Vincennes - Two groups III, scheduled this saturday, both dominated by novices at this level, Blues d'Ourville (PASSWORD) in the Prix Oscar Collard (Gr.3 - Picture), Dostoievski (GANYMEDE) in the Prix Jules Lepennetier (Gr.3 - Picture).
11/12 Vincennes - Big fight for victory in the Prix Octave Douesnel (Gr.2)! Carat Williams (PRODIGIOUS) defeats Charly du Noyer. Picture.
10/12 Vincennes - In a tactical Prix Ariste Hémard (Gr.2), Cédéa Josselyn (LOVE YOU) becomes semi-classic winner, finishing faster than Céré Josselyn (KAISY DREAM) and Cathy A Quira (PASSWORD). Picture.
3/12 Vincennes - The elusive Eléa Madrik (GOETMALS WOOD) elegantly wins the Prix Vourasie (Gr.3). Picture.
7/11 Vincennes - Carat Williams (PRODIGIOUS) shows off in the Prix de Lesparre.
Defeating the leading 3yo's by Ready Cash, respectively Dawana and Django Riff, Douce Rebelle (SAM BOURBON) in the Prix Reine du Corta (Gr.2 - Picture) and Dijon (GANYMEDE) in the Prix Abel Bassigny (Gr.2 - Picture) become group II winners.
Bel Auteur (PASSWORD) dominates the Prix d'Amiens.
1/11 Roma - Winner of the Derby Italiano del Trotto (Gr.1), Unicka (LOVE YOU) repeats in the Gran Premio Paolo & Orsino Orsi Mangelli (Gr.1). An historical "Première" for a filly!
Her half-brother Unicorno Slm places second..
28/10 Vincennes (night) - Céré Josselyn (KAISY DREAM) gains a third group, the Prix Pierre Van Troyen (Gr.3). Picture.
9/10 Roma - Unicka (LOVE YOU) defeats the colts in the very classic Derby Italiano del Trotto (Gr.1).
18/9 Vincennes - Historical Boléro Love (LOVE YOU) in the Prix de l'Etoile (Gr.1)!
10/9 Vincennes - Brilliant second to Bold Eagle of the Critérium des 5 Ans (Gr.1), last saturday, Belina Josselyn (LOVE YOU) victoriously dances in the Prix d'Eté (Gr.2). Picture.
An impressive Classic Way (PRODIGIOUS) beats Cupidon du Vivier (LOVE YOU) in the Prix Joseph Aveline (Gr.3). Picture.
Capital Charm (PASSWORD) wins by a nose the Prix de Nueil-sur-Layon.
30/8 Waregem - At 11, Ru de l'Airou (CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE) shows off to capture his first group II, the Grand Prix de la Ville de Waregem (Gr.2).
14/8 Mons - Three times second of groups I, Amiral Sacha (GANYMEDE) finally and brilliantly reaches his goal in the Grand Prix de Wallonie (Gr.1).
31/7 Enghien - A magic smile to remember... Jean-Pierre Dubois and Douce Rebelle (SAM BOURBON) take home the Prix de la Porte Pouchet (Gr.3). Pictures.
Chiloé (COKTAIL JET) pockets the Prix de la Place Maubert (monté).
30/7 Enghien - A first group victory for Discours Joyeux (GOETMALS WOOD) who has finished fast in the Prix du Roule (Gr.3)! Picture.
16/7 Enghien - In the Prix de Bruxelles (Gr.3), Amiral Sacha (GANYMEDE) seduces again. Picture.
Calita Wood (GOETMALS WOOD) enjoys renewed success in the Prix du Louvre (Gr.3). Picture.
26/6 Vincennes - A very impressive Chancelière Citrus (GOETMALS WOOD) powerfully wins the Prix du Président de la République (Gr.1). With a touch of class!
11/6 Vincennes - LOVE YOU positions himself, two weeks before the Prix Albert Viel (Gr.1). His 3 yo's Dragon des Racques and Difa Girl respectively capture the Prix de Gien (Gr.3 - Picture) and the Prix d'Istres (Gr.3 - Picture).
8/6 Laval - Belina Josselyn (LOVE YOU) shines in the G.N.T. 2016's 6th Trial (Gr.3). Picture.
7/6 Vincennes (night) - The same two talented winners by PRODIGIOUS than april 19th.
On his first attempt, "Premiere" in a group race for Carat Williams in the Prix Caecilia (Gr.3)! Picture.
Wisely ridden, Virgious du Maza attacks Ulka des Champs on the inside and efficiently pockets the Prix Perseus (monté).
3/6 Vincennes (night) - Amiral Sacha (GANYMEDE) impressively devours the Prix Chambon P (Gr.2). Picture.
24/5 Vincennes (night) - Tessy d'Ete (GANYMEDE) defeats Clarabelle (Ready Cash) and Cédéa Josselyn (LOVE YOU) in the Prix Héraclite (Gr.3). Picture.
Winner the 10th of may, Again Madrik (COKTAIL JET) repeats in the Prix Iapetus.
18/5 Caen - Chancelière Citrus (GOETMALS WOOD) shows off in the Prix Henri Ballière (Gr.2m). Picture.
Direct Way (QUAKER JET) dominates Difa Girl (LOVE YOU) in the always important Prix de la Touques.
7/5 Vincennes - In the wake of champion Charly du Noyer (Ready Cash)...
Coup de Poker (COKTAIL JET), the two sons of PASSWORD, Cahal des Rioults and Caïd Griff, and Cylée Névelé (SAM BOURBON) respectively place second, third, fourth and fifth of the Critérium des 4 Ans (Gr.1)!
Dragon des Racques (LOVE YOU) climbs up the ranks, taking home the Prix de Faulquemont (Gr.3). Picture.
3/5 Vincennes (night) - Cyprin d'Erable (PRODIGIOUS) becomes semi-classic winner in the Prix René Palyart (Gr.2m). Picture.
Cresta Rossa (REPEAT LOVE) easily pockets the Prix Altair.
22/4 Vincennes (night) - Combattante (SAM BOURBON) conquers the second semi-classic of her career, the Prix Gaston de Wazières (Gr.2). Picture.
Euphoric PRODIGIOUS! Akayama, fourth of the Prix de Sélection (Gr.1), takes up victory again in the Prix Neptuna.
Datcha (THE BEST MADRIK) imposes herself in the Prix Palma.
16/4 Vincennes (night) - In the Prix Henri Levesque (Gr.2), Baltic Charm (PASSWORD) becomes semi-classic winner defeating Boléro Love (LOVE YOU), Belina Josselyn (LOVE YOU) and Billie de Montfort. Picture.
9/4 Vincennes - A great saturday for SAM BOURBON, double group winner!
Cylée Névelé shines in the Prix Paul Leguerney (Gr.2 - Picture) ; Del Piero de Lou shows off in the Prix de Saintes (Gr.3 - Picture).
Beaten by Cyrius du Lorault in the Prix de Dorceau, his first attempt "au monté", the promising Cyprin d'Erable (PRODIGIOUS) gets back victory after inquiry.
26/3 Vincennes - Prix Robert Auvray (Gr.2) : Five consecutive group II victories for Belina Josselyn (LOVE YOU) who defeats again her half-brother Boléro Love! Impressive, Baltic Charm (PASSWORD) places third. Picture
Amiral Sacha (GANYMEDE) surely captures the Prix du Bois de Vincennes (Gr.3). Picture.
Tessy d'Eté, spectacular in the last furlong of the Prix de Meaux, and Toseland Kyu, efficient in the Prix de Gueugnon, offer a second win to their respective sires, Ganymède and Love You.
5/3 Vincennes - Boléro Love (LOVE YOU) faster than Amiral Sacha (GANYMEDE) in the last furlong of the Prix de Sélection (Gr.1)!
Last winner of the Winter Meeting for our stallions, Lover Face (LOVE YOU) defeats by a nose Unbridled Charm (PASSWORD) in the Prix de Montsoreau.
3/3 Vincennes - Cap Matyss (LOVE YOU) takes his revenge on his half-brother Clif du Pommereux in the Prix Vindex (Gr.3). Picture.
Tellement Haufor (GANYMEDE) dominates an high-level Prix Emile Allix Courboy.
28/2 Vincennes - Baltic Charm (PASSWORD) wins in brilliant style his first group, the Prix de la Mayenne (Gr.3), easily defeating Steven del Ronco (GANYMEDE). Picture.
COKTAIL JET sees double with the talented Coup de Poker and Cash Maker, half-brother to Dollar Macker, first and second of the Prix de Montauban!
25/2 Vincennes - Amiral Sacha (GANYMEDE) controls the Prix du Plateau de Gravelle (Gr.3). Picture.
Serious today, Zonguldak (LOVE YOU) easily captures the Prix du Cantal.
Winner february 16th, Cédéa Josselyn (LOVE YOU) confirms on the classic course of the Prix de Guise.
22/2 Vincennes - Four consecutive groups II for Belina Josselyn (LOVE YOU)! Winner of the Prix Ovide Moulinet (Gr.2), she defeats Billie de Montfort. Picture.
21/2 Vincennes - Battle of brothers between Clif du Pommereux and Cap Matyss, both by LOVE YOU, in the Prix d'Orthez (Gr.3)! Picture.
18/2 Vincennes - Dokha Védaquaise (PRODIGIOUS) brilliantly dominates the Prix Holly du Locton (Gr.2m)! Picture.
11/2 Vincennes - In the Prix Jean le Gonidec (Gr.2), Belina Josselyn (LOVE YOU) defeats again her half-brother Boléro Love and Conlight As. Picture.
10/2 Vincennes - A Méry de Chahains (PASSWORD) confidently dominates the Prix de Douvres (monté).
Winner january 28, Geisha Sund (LOVE YOU) repeats in the Prix de Bourg-en-Bresse.
Winner in january at Argentan, Défi Dream (ROYAL DREAM) victoriously discovers Vincennes and its classic course in the Prix de Vibraye.
6/2 Vincennes - Demonia Roma (PASSWORD) controls the Prix Roquépine (Gr.2)! Picture.
31/1 Vincennes - Doberman (PRODIGIOUS) captures the Prix Léopold Verroken (Gr.3). Picture.
17/1 Vincennes - Victorious of the Prix Gélinotte (Gr.2), Diva du Mouchel will remain as the first semi-classic winner by THE BEST MADRIK. Picture.
Vacate Money (PRODIGIOUS) gains her third win of the meeting in the Prix de Toulouse.
Already efficient in the Prix de Tourcoing, last month, Trinity Jiel (GOETMALS WOOD) nicely repeats in the Prix du Jura.
16/1 Vincennes - And the incredible beat goes on for Viking Blue (PRODIGIOUS) in the Prix du Forez (Gr.3)! Picture.
In the Prix de Croix (Gr.2), a spectacular Belina Josselyn (LOVE YOU) catches up with her half-brother Boléro Love. Picture,
Cupidon du Vivier (LOVE YOU) defeats Chtiot de Bellande (DEFI D'AUNOU) in the Prix de Francheville-La Barre.
Bel Urzy (COKTAIL JET) resists to Botzaris (GANYMEDE) in the Prix de Bois-Guillaume.
10/1 Vincennes - In full bloom, Texas de l'Iton (CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE) repeats in the Prix du Calvados (Gr.2m). Picture.
Third disqualified in the Critérium des 3 Ans, Cahal des Rioults (PASSWORD) finds the light in the Prix de Tonnac-Villeneuve (Gr.2), while Cavalleria (PRODIGIOUS) places second in front of Coup de Poker (COKTAIL JET) and Captain Lyl (ROCKLYN). Picture.
Belgian Beauty (COKTAIL JET) controls the Prix de Gretz.
Promising colt, Doberman (PRODIGIOUS) dominates the Prix de Vic-Fezensac.
1/1/2016 Vincennes - We LOVE YOU!
In the Prix d'Angoulême, his swedish 6yo mare Donna di Quatro resists to her half-brother Akido, while a second half-brother Apprenti Sorcier finishes third.
In the Prix de Pithiviers, his 4yo mare Cédéa Josselyn easily defeats Calencia (QUAKER JET).
Ambra Somolli (COKTAIL JET) shines in the Prix de Tence.
28/12 Vincennes - Two wins for QUAKER JET! Charming Boy Fac in the Prix d'Erbray imitates After River, winner of the Prix de Chambord!
27/12 Vincennes - Specialess (GANYMEDE) is second to Bold Eagle in the Critérium Continental (Gr.1).
Cresta Rossa (REPEAT LOVE) takes home the Prix de Conches.Roma - Oropuro Bar (LOVE YOU) beats Radiofreccia Fi (GANYMEDE) and Pacha dei Greppi (Juliano Star) in the Gala Internazionale del Trotto (Gr.1).
26/12 Vincennes - Answering to Django Riff, best 2yo colt, Don't Explain (PRODIGIOUS) takes the leadership of the fillies following her success in the Prix Une de Mai (Gr.2), but Demonia Roma (PASSWORD), third, has not said her last word. Picture.
Lese-majesty in the Prix Jules Lemonnier (Gr.2m)! Texas de l'Iton (CYGNUS D'ODYSSEE) defeats Roxane Griff at the post. Picture.
Athéna de l'Abbaye (DEFI D'AUNOU) pockets the Prix d'Ispagnac (monté).
25/12 Vincennes - Both by GOETMALS WOOD, Cathy Age dominates Creek Valley in the Prix de Salers (monté).
A ninth consecutive success for Viking Blue (PRODIGIOUS) in the Prix Constant-Hervieu (Gr.3). Picture.
Main performances...
- Summer-Fall 2015, - Spring 2015, - Winter 2014-2015, - Fall 2014, - Spring-summer 2014, - Winter 2013-2014, - Fall 2013, - Spring-summer 2013, - Fall 2012 - Winter 2013, - Spring - summer 2012, - Winter 2011 - 2012, - Fall 2011, - Summer 2011, - Spring 2011, - Winter 2010-2011, - Fall 2010, - Spring-Summer 2010, - Winter 2009-2010
- Fall 2009, - Summer 2009, - Spring 2009, - Winter 2008-2009
- Fall 2008, - Summer 2008, - Spring 2008, - Winter 2007-2008
- Fall 2007, - Summer 2007, - Spring 2007, - Winter 2006 - 2007
- Fall 2006, - Summer 2006, - Spring 2006, - Winter 2006
- Fall 2005, - Summer 2005, - Spring 2005, - Winter 2005 (part II), - Winter 2005 (part I) - Fall 2004
- Summer 2004 - Spring 2004 - Winter 2004 (part II) - Winter 2004 (part I)
- Fall 2003 - Summer 2003 - Spring 2003 - Winter 2003 - Fall 2002 - Summer 2002 - Spring 2002
- Winter 2002 - Fall 2001 - Summer 2001 - Winter-spring 2001 - November-december 2000 - Summer-fall 2000
- Spring 2000 - Vincennes winter meeting 99/00 - From march to november 1999 - Vincennes winter meeting 98/99