All 2017
DUBOIS SIRES Main performances |
22/12 Vincennes - Previously winner of the Prix Louis Cauchois (Gr.3), File Gin (REPEAT LOVE) confirms in the Prix Emmanuel Margouty (Gr.2).
17/12 Vincennes - Uza Josselyn (LOVE YOU) shows off in the Prix de Châteaudun (Gr.3)!
Daytona Jet (GOETMALS WOOD) shines in the Prix de Chamalières (monté).
15/12 Vincennes - GOETMALS WOOD sees double with two promising 2yo fillies, Feria Dibah (Prix des Hortensias) and Ferreteria (Prix de Valdampierre)!
3/12 Vincennes - Bel Avis (GANYMEDE) brilliantly hits his target, the Prix Maurice de Folleville - Finale du Grand National du Trot (Gr.2)!
1/11 Milan - Defeating Timone EK on his search of a fifth group I victory in 2017, the excellent Uza Josselyn (LOVE YOU) totally reveals herself in the Grand Prix des Nations (Gr.1). Her half-brother Toseland Kyu places fourth, one rank behind Tony Gio.
27/10 Vincennes (night) - A very promising evening for our stallions!
Beating Fleirel Védaquais (SAM BOURBON), File Gin (REPEAT LOVE) shines in the Prix Louis Cauchois (Gr.3). Picture.
Enino du Pommereux (COKTAIL JET) pockets the Prix Gisella (Gr.3). Picture. One hour earlier, Cathy A Quira (PASSWORD, twice placed in semi-classic events, had won her first group, the Prix Pierre Van Troyen (Gr.3).
30/9 Solvalla - Stairway to heaven for Drôle de Jet (COKTAIL JET) in the Grand Prix de l'U.E.T (Gr.1)!
9/8 Saint-Malo - Bel Avis (GANYMEDE) pockets the second group of his career in the G.N.T's 8th Trial (Gr.3). Picture.
26/7 Enghien - Chicago Blues (PRODIGIOUS) takes home a first group, the Prix de la Chaussée d'Antin (Gr.3).
8/7 Enghien - Hambo Transs R (LOVE YOU) brilliantly wins the Prix de Berlin (Gr.3). Picture.
1/7 Naples - In the Gran Premio Tino Triossi (Gr.1), Dijon (GANYMEDE) defeats Unique Dream Bar (GOETMALS WOOD) to gain a first group I victory.
25/6 Vincennes - A glorious day for Louis Baudron's stallions Ubriaco and Village Mystic!
Bel Avis (GANYMEDE) finishes fast to become group winner in the Prix de Grasse (Gr.3). Picture.
21/6 Reims - Bon Copain (LOVE YOU) easily captures the G.N.T.'s 7th Trial (Gr.3).
10/6 Vincennes - Carat Williams (PRODIGIOUS) powerfully dominates the Prix Louis Jariel (Gr.2). 1' 11"1 - 2 175 meters!
Best rated 3yo in the Netherlands (Critérium des 3 Ans), Hambo Transs R (LOVE YOU) victoriously discovers Vincennes in the Prix de Gien (Gr.3). Picture.
2/6 Vincennes (night) - Great fight in the straight line of the Prix Chambon P (Gr.2)! Bélina Josselyn (LOVE YOU) defeats Amiral Sacha (GANYMEDE). Picture.
23/5 Vincennes (night) - Again impressive in this Prix Camilla (Gr.3), Ultra Wind Bi (LOVE YOU) stays unbeaten out of three races at Vincennes. Picture.
17/5 Caen - Amiral Sacha (GANYMEDE) beats Aubrion du Gers and the track record in the Prix des Ducs de Normandie (Gr.2). Picture.
13/5 Vincennes - Finishing fast, Tessy d'Eté (GANYMEDE) adds the Prix du Perreux (Gr.3), her second group victory, to her race record. Picture.
Surprise (132/1) in the Prix du Gâtinais (Gr.3)! Winner of the Prix de Londres (Gr.2m) in 2015, Virgious du Maza (PRODIGIOUS) shows off in the other sport.
6/5 Vincennes - Darling de Reux (PRODIGIOUS) flies away in the Critérium des 4 Ans (Gr.1).
After one year without racing, Coup de Poker (COKTAIL JET) victoriously comes back in the Prix Albert Demarcq (Gr.2)! Picture.
Voltaire Gifont (QUAKER JET) dominates with a touch of class the Prix de Faulquemont (Gr.3) in front of Edile du Goutier (COKTAIL JET). Picture.
25/4 Vincennes (night) - In the Prix Masina (Gr.2), Ere Nouvelle (LOVE YOU), half-sister to Ready Cash, particularly defeats Each Time (COKTAIL JET), who belongs to the formidable female line of Nesmile. Picture.
21/4 Vincennes (night) - The Critérium des 4 Ans (Gr.1) is scheduled in two weeks.
In full bloom, Darling de Reux (PRODIGIOUS) becomes semi-classic winner in the Prix Gaston de Wazières (Gr.2), defeating the half-sisters by Ready Cash, Dawana and Désirée. Picture.
In the Prix Gaston Brunet (Gr.2), Dijon (GANYMEDE) gains his second star at this level, beating Django Riff (Ready Cash).
15/4 Vincennes - Carat Williams (PRODIGIOUS) devours the Prix Henri Levesque (Gr.2 - 1'10"8 - 2 175 m).
14/4 Vincennes (night) - Bélina Josselyn (LOVE YOU) beats Valko Jenilat and Lionel in the Prix Jean Riaud - ex Prix Jamin (Gr.3). Picture.
11/4 Vincennes (night) - Born in purple, Ere Nouvelle (LOVE YOU - Kidea) honors her blood in the Prix Atlas (Gr.3), defeating Elsa du Pommereux (COKTAIL JET). Picture.
And the beat goes on for Angel d'Or (GANYMEDE) with a seventh consecutive victory in the Prix Bavaria!
25/3 Vincennes - A very impressive Carat Williams (PRODIGIOUS) really shows off in the Prix Robert Auvray (Gr.2).
4/3 Vincennes - Discours Joyeux (GOETMALS WOOD) sings in the last furlong of the Prix de Sélection (Gr.1), brilliantly ending the 2016 - 2017 Winter Meeting.
20/2 Vincennes - Carat Williams (PRODIGIOUS) defeats Clif du Pommereux (LOVE YOU) and Caïd Griff (PASSWORD) in the Prix Ovide Moulinet (Gr.2)!
12/2 Vincennes - Born in purple, formerly second in a group II for her first attempt at this level, Darlhey du Rib (GANYMEDE - Quille Castelets) confirms her talent with a victory in the Prix de Lunéville (Gr.3m). Picture.
4/2 Vincennes - Eléa Madrik (GOETMALS WOOD) seduces again in the Prix Roquépine (Gr.2). Elisione Mag (QUAKER JET), Estella Love (LOVE YOU) and Elusive Feeling (GOETMALS WOOD) place second, third and fourth. Picture.
29/1 Vincennes - Vacate Money (PRODIGIOUS) controls the prestigious Prix Helen Johansson (Gr.3), recording her first group victory.
15/1 Vincennes - The talented Eléa Madrik (GOETMALS WOOD) shows off again in the Prix Gélinotte (Gr.2)! Picture.
Winner at this level in july at Enghien, Discours Joyeux confirms in the Prix de Ribérac (Gr.3), also honoring GOETMALS WOOD. Picture.
14/1 Vincennes - Barrio de Lou (GANYMEDE) beats his half-brother Baby Haufor in the Prix de Joinville.
8/1/2017 Vincennes - Finishing fast, Doberman (PRODIGIOUS) pockets at the end the Prix de Tonnac-Villeneuve (Gr.2)!
Main performances...
- All 2016, - Summer-Fall 2015, - Spring 2015, - Winter 2014-2015, - Fall 2014, - Spring-summer 2014, - Winter 2013-2014, - Fall 2013, - Spring-summer 2013, - Fall 2012 - Winter 2013, - Spring - summer 2012, - Winter 2011 - 2012, - Fall 2011, - Summer 2011, - Spring 2011, - Winter 2010-2011, - Fall 2010, - Spring-Summer 2010, - Winter 2009-2010
- Fall 2009, - Summer 2009, - Spring 2009, - Winter 2008-2009
- Fall 2008, - Summer 2008, - Spring 2008, - Winter 2007-2008
- Fall 2007, - Summer 2007, - Spring 2007, - Winter 2006 - 2007
- Fall 2006, - Summer 2006, - Spring 2006, - Winter 2006
- Fall 2005, - Summer 2005, - Spring 2005, - Winter 2005 (part II), - Winter 2005 (part I) - Fall 2004
- Summer 2004 - Spring 2004 - Winter 2004 (part II) - Winter 2004 (part I)
- Fall 2003 - Summer 2003 - Spring 2003 - Winter 2003 - Fall 2002 - Summer 2002 - Spring 2002
- Winter 2002 - Fall 2001 - Summer 2001 - Winter-spring 2001 - November-december 2000 - Summer-fall 2000
- Spring 2000 - Vincennes winter meeting 99/00 - From march to november 1999 - Vincennes winter meeting 98/99